
Glove Steaming Services


Reduce the amount of time it will take to break-in your glove by using steam and pressure. Instead of slowly breaking in your glove for up to 3 months, come by Legends Athletic Supply and we can break-in your glove for you in 20 minutes! The Mizuno glove steamer is designed to efficiently distribute steam into the glove’s leather and seams, making your glove game-ready in minutes.


How it Works:


CONDITION                               STEAM                               MALLET

     Our Technicians will pre-treat                  The glove will then                    Our Technicians will then
    your glove with a leather                      be placed in the steamer              use a mallet to work out 
         conditioner that seeps into                   for three to six minutes              any stiff areas, focusing on 
         the pores and prevents                     allowing it to become                the plam, thumb, and pinky
       drying out. The conditioner                         pliable and soft.                areas. This allows the pocket
          will be applied to all surfaces                                                                     and hinge points to be        
        including the laces,                                                                        molded to ensure a custom
palms, and seams.                                                                                    fit for you.


Customer-Owned Glove  $30
Gloves purchased at Legends FREE